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Educationists look upon the curriculum as one of the fundamental problems of education. Unless we decide what is to be taught, we cannot determine the plan of the school, indeed its very location, its equipment, organisation, the choice of teachers and the methods of teaching. In fact, much of our efficiency and well-being rests on what we decide to be the ultimate form of our curriculum. The author took up an aspect of this problem for this reason¾one aspect as it concerns one people, the Muslims.


Dr. G. M. D. Sufi

Educationists look upon the curriculum as one of the fundamental problems of education. Unless we decide what is to be taught, we cannot determine the plan of the school, indeed its very location, its equipment, organisation, the choice of teachers and the methods of teaching. In fact, much of our efficiency and well-being rests on what we decide to be the ultimate form of our curriculum. The author took up an aspect of this problem for this reason¾one aspect as it concerns one people, the Muslims.

The author taught in a school, superintended a teachers training institution, worked as the Registrar of a University and remained connected with a divisional inspectorate of schools. He is neither a visionary nor a purely idealist in what he has set forth in this book. He surveys the curricula under Turks, Afghans, Mughals and the British and, last, expresses his own thoughts on curriculum in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.

ISBN No. 969-432-212-X.    14 cm. x 21.5 cm. xv+238 pp. (H.B)


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