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(2 Volumes)

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Allamah Shibli Nu‘mani. Translated by M. Zafar Ali Khan and Prof. M. Saleem

For translation purposes the book has been split into two volumes. The first volume; besides the exhaustive Introduction, deals with events embracing the lifetime of Hadrat ‘Umar as well as the political conquests achieved by him. In the second volume is given a detailed record of his system of government administration, political and ecclesiastical, his intellectual attainments and his personal virtues and habits. The entire book is a masterpiece of research by Maulana Shibli, yet he devoted comparatively greater labour and research to the second volume. Publication of the original Urdu work, Al-Faruq, by the late ‘Allama Shibli Nu’mani took the Muslim world by storm as it was considered a great literary event in the history of Islamic literature. It created an unparalleled enthusiasm and ran into several editions in a very short time.

ISBN No. 969-432-102-6.     14cm. x 21.5cm. xxiv+646 pp. (H.B)


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